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The Relevant Store in the Digital Age: Benchmark 2013

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As stores try to find their way in a brand new digital world, we asked retailers to candidly share their experiences.

Key Findings

  • Retail Winners see stores helping to compete with the online experience and are less likely to think future growth will only come from digital channels. They expect they can reverse the erosion of the store — if they can better incorporate technology as part of the store experience.
  • Winners plan to open new stores in both new and existing geographies. Laggards are closing existing stores, and the few who do plan new opens will do so with smaller-format stores.
  • Retailers continue to see increased value in communicating with consumers within the store walls, all while neglecting the wireless infrastructure to do so effectively.
  • All retailers are concerned that stores are spending too much time on the wrong things (including distracting store technologies and administrative tasks for corporate), while Winners worry they are not spending enough on cross-channel selling and fulfillment.

“The Relevant Store in the Digital Age” contains analysis of the business drivers, opportunities, and organizational constraints surrounding retail store strategies. It also offers up baseline recommendations for navigating the future of stores, particularly as retailers struggle with the industry changes brought on by cross-channel shoppers. The report is part of RSR Research’s ongoing efforts to provide market intelligence on retail technology trends.

To find out more, download the full report.

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